Call for Partners

Weston College is intending to bid for the 快播视频 Service to be established by the Ministry of Justice. The Service will facilitate the provision of comprehensive core education, vocational and specialist skills training to learners in a custodial environment across England.

Weston College, the current prime provider in the South West, has high aspirations for all its learners and is seeking like-minded partners who will enhance a learner’s journey whilst in custody, through the gate and on release, supporting outstanding learning, vocational, and specialist skills provision.

The procurement process is expected to start in September 2023.

If you would like to be considered as a Weston College partner for this opportunity, please complete the questionnaire below in the first instance.

STEP 1: .

STEP 2: Once complete, please email to by Friday 18 August 2023. Please also direct any questions to this email address.

From this, we will hold further discussions with potential partners to shape an education solution to support Weston College鈥檚 education provision in each prison.

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